To access the Investment Policy Statement (IPS) page, navigate to any one of your clients. From there click the “Results” icon, and select the “Investment Policy Statement” icon. You will need to have portfolio recommendations set in order to generate the IPS.

This will bring you to the IPS questionnaire. You can choose to use the information pre-selected, or select and/or enter the relevant criteria from the drop-down scroll or text fields. 

It is important to fill in or make a selection in each section under Client Information, as this will determine the output generated in the IPS. Please note the following sections: 

2. No. of Clients associated with IPS: - You can select as many associated clients as needed to sign the IPS (example: 1 for an individual client, 2 for a married couple or tenants in common, 3 for a trust with multiple trustees, etc.)
7. Notes - This section is useful for documenting any important facts or explaining any deviations from the IPS (e.g., a concentrated stock position is being unwound over time for tax reasons, leading to a high current equity allocation).
Note that Allocation Targets in the Account Information section (Item 7.) come from the allocation in a recommended portfolio's Risk Profile. Upper and Lower target numbers can be edited but the Target allocation in green cannot.
When you are ready to generate the IPS, click “Save” at the bottom of your screen.

From here you can then “Generate IPS” on its own, or click “Generate Proposal." Generate Proposal will redirect you to the proposal generating screen.

In order to add the IPS section to your proposal template, to to your Proposal Settings from the main menu, then go to Proposal Sections. From here, drag the Investment Policy Statement section to the "Included in Proposals" side.